There is nothing in this world that is more wonderful than love. This website celebrates the love and written a number of romantic love letters and romantic stories and I am sharing some of them here.I hope you enjoy reading these romantic love letters, I hope these sample love letters inspire you to write a romantic letter.
Love can be expressed in a myriad of different methods, but the most timeless and most treasured will always remain the classic love letter. In a recent project here at we accepted entries for love letters from our users to reflect the current state of romance through the written word. The result is a collection of over 800 user-submitted love letters reflecting the entire range of romantic emotion! Use these letters as a starting base for your next romantic moment, or just be inspired or reflect on the romantic nature of other couples. Either way, we're sure you'll treasure these words as much as the person to whom they are written.
Want to capture their heart? It's easier than you think! Ignite the passion with LoveLettersNow. LoveLettersNow has dozens of originally written love letters and emails that you can send instantly, without having to write a single word! You can send or e-mail the letters as they are, or add your own words and paragraphs. It's a great alternative to greeting cards and perfect for those who have a tough time expressing their feelings on paper.
If you're looking for inspiration to write your own love letter, here is a collection of sample love letters to inspire your romantic soul. All love letters have been submitted by RomanceStuck visitors.
It is very important for me to express to you how much you really mean to me. I wish I could do this in person while holding you in my arms and gazing into your eyes. But since we are physically separated by miles of emptiness, this expression must come in the form of letters such as this.
Dear, I know it is difficult for you, as it is for me, to be separated for so long. Life seems to be full of trials of this type which test our inner strength, and more importantly, our devotion and love for one another. After all, it is said that "True Love" is boundless and immeasurable and overcomes all forms of adversity. In truth, if it is genuine, it will grow stronger with each assault upon its existence.
Dear, our love has been assaulted many times, and I am convinced that it is true because the longer I am away from you, the greater is my yearning to be with you again. You are my Charming Prince, and I am your devoted Princess. I cherish any thought of you, prize any memory of you that rises from the depths of my mind, and live for the day when our physical separation will no longer be.
Until that moment arrives, I send to you across the miles, my tender love, my warm embrace, and my most passionate kiss.
Love always,
Your baby
I just love you because I do. I can't change it. Its not my choice. I wish I didn't, but that's how love is. I can't say a word about you. I have to forget about you. I wish you didn't make it so difficult for both. There are things I wish I could tell you. There are many things I need tell you, but I can't find the way. I can't find you. Your way of looking life is different from mine. I can't change it. Its not my choice. I wish I didn't love you. I can't forget about you. I just wish it could all work out like it once happened.
There was a time where I didn't beleive in love.I really thought it never existed, but this is the time that makes me want to thank you. Thank you everything, because it is you that taught me love, and how to love. Before, I feared love. But now, I know I can't go on without love. Not any love, but your love, my love, my only, my one. I know you might fear my love. Here I am telling you to not fear it, but have it. Out of all the things money can buy and life can give, my love to you can not and will never match. Beause it is you who I live for and will die for. It is you who has my heart, body, and soul. My eyes open to see you and close to picture you. You run wild in my mind, You stay still in my heart. My soul you share and my body you hold. Forgive me if I stop writing, but I must, for I fear words written on a paper can not describe what I honestly feel for the obssesion of my love, for you my love.
Love you for the years to come, loved you for the years that have passed, and my love you will have always. Yours, F.Z.S.
I Love So Much About You
I love so much about you that it is hard to pick just a couple of things out. I love the way you laugh. I love the way you smile. I even love it when you make me mad and don't know why. I love how when you upset me, you try so hard to make it better. I am so in love with you that I don't go one minute without thinking of you and wishing that I was with you! I can't stand to be without you for one second. You have truly turned me into myself. Before you, nobody allowed me to be me. You have allowed me to open up my heart and trust again. You have allowed me to smile and be happy again. And for that I love you. I thank you and I will forever cherish our memories and I know there are many more to come.
I Love So Much About You
I love so much about you that it is hard to pick just a couple of things out. I love the way you laugh. I love the way you smile. I even love it when you make me mad and don't know why. I love how when you upset me, you try so hard to make it better. I am so in love with you that I don't go one minute without thinking of you and wishing that I was with you! I can't stand to be without you for one second. You have truly turned me into myself. Before you, nobody allowed me to be me. You have allowed me to open up my heart and trust again. You have allowed me to smile and be happy again. And for that I love you. I thank you and I will forever cherish our memories and I know there are many more to come.
To the love of a lifetime......
Lover you held me close, you touched my skin, you brought more joy than you'll ever know. My soul was breach on a daily basis by your love. The sound of your voice made my heart swing on the stars. Your eyes were truly the window to my souls contentment, evolving every way possible. The life I had with you was golden and no man can ever take away the love you and I shared. Giving is a selfless act, one that doesn't happen often, but you made it a thing of beauty as well as a regularity. Envisioning our love like a cornicopia of scents and tastes, from hot sauce to alfredo and rose's to gladiola's. A sensous kiss to a passing glance, the mood was always perfect because you made me feel loved. You made me feel laughter in a way that only babies can feel pure. Thank you for your smell, "sweet peas". Thank you for my favorite spot, " behind your left ear". And most importantly, thank you for "the box", the "lemon tree", Big Mouth's pizza, and sleeping in the sun. Those were the happiest times of my life because of you.
Submitted by: rwserkis
To the love of a lifetime......
Lover you held me close, you touched my skin, you brought more joy than you'll ever know. My soul was breach on a daily basis by your love. The sound of your voice made my heart swing on the stars. Your eyes were truly the window to my souls contentment, evolving every way possible. The life I had with you was golden and no man can ever take away the love you and I shared. Giving is a selfless act, one that doesn't happen often, but you made it a thing of beauty as well as a regularity. Envisioning our love like a cornicopia of scents and tastes, from hot sauce to alfredo and rose's to gladiola's. A sensous kiss to a passing glance, the mood was always perfect because you made me feel loved. You made me feel laughter in a way that only babies can feel pure. Thank you for your smell, "sweet peas". Thank you for my favorite spot, " behind your left ear". And most importantly, thank you for "the box", the "lemon tree", Big Mouth's pizza, and sleeping in the sun. Those were the happiest times of my life because of you.
I Love You
I Love You.
I love every little thing about you --
Your sexy smile, the sound of your voice, the magic in your eyes. I love your gentle touch and the warmth I feel at your side ... I love dreaming about you. *I love discovering you and letting go with you. I love each and every once-in-a-lifetime moment I share with you. Today, tomorrow, forever.
A Thousand Words
All my life I've wished for love this true.
I cherish every moment I have with you.
When you're near I can't help but smile
Because you are my reason for survival.
If I ever lost you I'd cry a river,
Just the thought of it makes me quiver.
When we are alone together,
I wish I could stop the time and live in that moment forever.
A thousand words could not express the feelings I have inside for you.
Please say you feel it too.
I Want What You Want
You ask me if I want to;
how sweet of you to care,
But if you're looking for an answer;
you will not find it there.
I want to do a lot of things;
that I'll probably never do,
And I do a lot of things;
without really wanting to.
So, if you want to know, what I will do;
Just ask me, if " I will ",
And I promise I won't blame you;
If it leaves me wanting still.
Submitted by: Patricia Ehler
Forever My Love
My dearest where are you? I can't help but wonder are you lost and lonely? Does sorrow cloud your heart? Do you miss me? I thought I saw you the other day but it was only my mind playing tricks or maybe just my heart trying to recall. I often wonder if you long for me as I do you, is that even possible? Oh, I hope so. I can remember the way your hair shone in the sunlight and when the breeze would blow through it, how you scent seemed to linger in the air like vanilla. Are you in love with another? Does your face torture his as it does mine? Cruel seductress , devil in disguise as an angel. Oh how you torment me and how I love you for it. Oh Love where are you? Do you need me? If I do not see you soon I will know you are gone. I will wish you luck and go on my way. Praying still that you need me too. Forever my love.
Submitted by: Anonymous
I Love You
I Love You.
I love every little thing about you --
Your sexy smile, the sound of your voice, the magic in your eyes. I love your gentle touch and the warmth I feel at your side ... I love dreaming about you. And letting go with you. I love each and every once-in-a-lifetime moment I share with you. Today, tomorrow, forever.
Submitted by: Ashley Dunn
A Thousand Words
All my life I've wished for love this true.
I cherish every moment I have with you.
When you're near I can't help but smile
Because you are my reason for survival.
If I ever lost you I'd cry a river,
Just the thought of it makes me quiver.
When we are alone together,
I wish I could stop the time and live in that moment forever.
A thousand words could not express the feelings I have inside for you.
Please say you feel it too.
Submitted by: Jackie Perez
I Want What You Want
You ask me if I want to;
how sweet of you to care,
But if you're looking for an answer;
you will not find it there.
I want to do a lot of things;
that I'll probably never do,
And I do a lot of things;
without really wanting to.
So, if you want to know, what I will do;
Just ask me, if " I will ",
And I promise I won't blame you;
If it leaves me wanting still.
Submitted by: Patricia Ehler
Forever My Love
My dearest where are you? I can't help but wonder are you lost and lonely? Does sorrow cloud your heart? Do you miss me? I thought I saw you the other day but it was only my mind playing tricks or maybe just my heart trying to recall. I often wonder if you long for me as I do you, is that even possible? Oh, I hope so. I can remember the way your hair shone in the sunlight and when the breeze would blow through it, how you scent seemed to linger in the air like vanilla. Are you in love with another? Does your face torture his as it does mine? Cruel seductress , devil in disguise as an angel. Oh how you torment me and how I love you for it. Oh Love where are you? Do you need me? If I do not see you soon I will know you are gone. I will wish you luck and go on my way. Praying still that you need me too. Forever my love.
Submitted by: Anonymous